One set of Local Comedy and One Set of Local Music

Little Flower House Concert #4

This unique but awesome pairing of local talent made up the fourth house concert event. It featured two local artists, a comedian and a musician! Comedian Lucas Waterfill got guests laughing for the entire first set and the second set featured musician Mark Dippel.

Both of these artists have a way of capturing audiences with their unique and entertaining art. They both also have a special way with words!

Lucas Waterfill said “…I’m a standup comedian and I loved performing at the Little Flower House Concert Series. It’s a small intimate venue that really makes you feel like you’re part of the community. When I get a laugh at Little Flower, I can really feel it in my soul! Kati (the host) has done a wonderful job of cultivating a community, of creativity and entertainment.”

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The Little Flower House Concert Series welcomes all types of creative performances.

There is a true overlap in the creative scenes, including that of comedy and music. The second featured artist was Mark Dippel whose music has a comedic element. Mark is a multi-instrumentalist and performed music on a djembe, xylophone, keyboard, guitar, and bucket drums. His variety, and quirky, high energy performance kept the fun going! No one else, other than Mark himself, could deliver such a special evening of high energy, diverse, and thoughtful music. Mark Dippel has a real story to tell, and it’s one everyone can relate with.

This show had a special audience participation portion too!

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Mark Dippel hosted his first-ever “Headache Contest!” Guests were invited to write down something that gives them a headache… Something that they just cannot tolerate or outright loathe. Mark invited guests to “Be as bizarre as you want, as trivial as you want, as psychotic as you want, as vulgar as you want.” The only rule was: Nothing involving politics, racism, sexisn, etc.)
The entry that Mark found the most entertaining was the prize winner! The winner, one of the house concert guests Aaron, received a Mark Dippel prize package including music, stickers, and more!

Here’s what Mark Dippel had to say about his experience.

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“I’ve seen some really great Little Flower House Concert performances, and I had an amazing time playing my show there. I love that the intent is to have an attentive, appreciative audience focused on really taking in what the performers have to offer. It’s a very warm, welcoming, open environment, and it was the perfect setting for me to get to try out a couple of the weirder ideas that I had been tossing around in my head for a while… just waiting for the right opportunity to work them into a show. I really appreciated getting to play for the concert series and it’s still one of my favorite and most fun shows I’ve ever played!”